Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
Today, magic arises in the form of Full Moon in Taurus, electrified by Uranus exactly conjunct Moon, here on All Hallows Eve day. And, we’re in the Moon wave in this Moon of Form. Very Moony times! Feel the tidal pull. Feel the activation of Uranus, revolutionizing and energizing our experience of embodiment. The sudden and unexpected are afoot as the veil is thin…
This is a time for remembering and honoring our ancestors, and that we are ancestored beings. For me, this is a time, each year, for ancestor tracking. This is a way of getting to know our ancestors and to learn of their lives, including their times and places, which makes us more human beings, and also opens an energetic connection through which we can get to know and honor them (without taking on their energy).
Now, my ancestors know what’s coming and start calling to me weeks before now. This year, the Verry & Chapman families of Middlesex, England have come calling. Yesterday, despite my “plans” for running errands in the world, I awoke and immediately sat down and was compelled to begin researching these families, and didn’t even eat or drink anything until mid afternoon.
As the day waned, the magic emerged and I came upon Chapmans in Greenford & Verrys in Harrow on the Hill. I always look into the places and names, and lo and behold, Harrow on the Hill was know in the 700s as gumeninga hergae, a hilltop sacred temple of pagan worship, on which is now a church (as they did). Check out this description (from Wikipedia), so fitting for this moment!
“Churchfields, Harrow on the Hill, centre of the Harrow Pentagram: Hergae Mound Oak trees leading from the Yew tree grove in Churchfields to the (Leyline-linked)Yew tree grove in St Mary’s Church. Hergae Mound is also a direct flight line for pipistrelle bats and barn owls – very active at dusk.
The Harrow Pentagram: Centre is St. Mary’s at Harrow-on-the-hill. The five points around it are: Belmont Hill Stanmore, Horsenden Hill Greenford, Barn Hill Wembley, Dabbs Hill, St. John’s Pinner.”
My ancestor tracking led me to a couple who married, one from the center mound of the pentagram and the other from one of the surrounding pentagram hills in Greenford! Perhaps too, this is pointing me toward the Gumen tribe, as this was known as their temple hill. And, these two families seem to both live on these hills for many generations. Wonder how they got there, or if they’d been there for a very long time! Time to delve into old maps now. This is how the conversation goes…
With Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn drawing near, this is a potent time for deep focus and solid work in meeting and conversing with our ancestors, for rootedly living magic in subtly see-able, feel-able, form.
Mercury retrograde in Libra is slowing into a pirouette toward direct motion during a liberating Storm on Tuesday, squaring Saturn both on Sunday and this coming Friday in the back and forthness. We’re invited to be graciously solid and real in our own sovereignty, within our thinking and communicating.
Mars is shining bright high in the east at nightfall, with Jupiter & Saturn together in the southwest evenings, while Venus in the east heralds the coming of dawn.
Hear the whole story in my Moon 4 Audio Calendar Podcast.
Happy Electrifying Moon Embodiment,
I had the 2021 Datebook ready to print and bind, but alas Mercury retrograde said otherwise… Not sure if this is a fatal flaw or will magically shift. I’m going to give printing another try this week after Mercury goes direct. In this year of being willing to relinquish old structures, this might be time. We will see!!
Order a Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm year Printed Calendar, and you’ll immediately receive a free Calendar PDF as well. Only about a dozen left.
Ancestor Tracking Sessions for remembering ourselves as humans, connected with the humans that came before, as well as their times and places, bring us home to our humanness.
Essence Elixirs
Vibrational deliciousness!
Riding the Elephant
Last fall, I was interviewed for the Bespoken Bones podcast. I geeked out in a big way on ancestor tracking, reality, rivers, the Paleolithic, stars, inviting, and so much more. Enjoy!
Receiving Life & Conversing with the Universe with Stargazer Li
I was interviewed by Meredith Rom. Give a listen!
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