
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Deeply Shifting

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, As Mercury explores new ground, moving beyond its retrograde shadow, we welcome this New Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, happening Now! Dark Moon & Sun conjoined in Scorpio set in the west as Uranus rises in the east at its brightest, beckoningly emanating a deeply energizing invitation into embodying direct relatedness, […]

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Sunning and Skywalking in the Moon of Form

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 4 ~ the Moon of Form, in this year when Wizard Seeds Wind. Mercury in Libra stations Direct today, as new ways of relating take form, tangibly expressing via our thought patterns and articulations. Sun carries us toward the dark of the year, bringing us in, and home. Ripening our new […]

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Hands Reaching & Touching Radiantly​

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Here in the Moon of Motion (Moon 3), we’re coming to the close of the Hand wave… Hands reach, touch, and craft, moving with dexterity, making and expressing beauty in this Sun, Mars, and Mercury retrograde (and just days ago New Moon) coming together in Libra time, inspiring us to more expressively […]

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Wizard Moves

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today begins Moon 3 ~ the Moon of Motion ~ here in this year when Wizard Seeds Wind… Tree-like, we receive energy from the heavens, down through our reaching arms, flowing thru our trunk, and Earth-shared thru our leggy rooting, as great beings able to string the three jade […]

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Wizard Relates

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today begins the 13-day Wizard wave, here in this Moon of Relatedness & Challenge. Wizard relates, shapeshifting to meet the moment.  There are no roles to play, nor surety to have; just relating & meeting challenges by continually changing form. We’re invited into effortlessness, into trusting ourselves and Life.  Relaxed maturity […]

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Radical Discernment & Beautifully Powerful Action

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This Dragon wave continues, birthing new relatedness, as (tomorrow) Monday’s velvety, black-bodied New Moon in Virgo bridges worlds, trine earthy Uranus in Taurus. Flowing revolutionary relatedness serves through doing the work of embodying everyday sacredness.​ We are living in the Universe, right here and now… Radical discernment enables powerful action from the depths of our beings, […]

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Dragon Birthing New Relatedness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Today (Sunday) Mercury moves into Libra, perhaps bringing a bit more graciousness to our relational thinking and conversing in this Moon of Relatedness & Challenge… Wednesday brings a Dragon birthing of new relatedness. During this new 260-day round of waves, we’re initiated through the challenge of learning to stay in connection with the All-That-Is […]

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Moon of Relatedness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 2 ~ the Moon of Relatedness and Challenge, in this year when Wizard Seeds Wind… We’re in the Star wave, ripening into living magic.  Stars shine, each creatively contributing to the unfolding story, together inviting us to become more fully ourselves through conversational kinship with the […]

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Aquarius Full Moon Shining with Jupiter

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Overnight tonight, Aquarius Full Moons, shining with Jupiter at its brightest (Saturn’s nearby too). Tomorrow​, Sun moves into Virgo. ​ Expansively journeying new realities is our sacred work.​ Embodied fullness shining amidst the Star wave dance in these final days of the Moon of Purpose, in this year when Wizard Seeds Wind, shows us how to […]

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Seeing Stars

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, If you’ve been up late, I hope you’ve caught a glimpse of the celebratory Perseids meteor shower this past week (with still more shooting stars than usual lingering). Venus moves into Libra homes sign today, reminding us to luxuriate in the​ beauty… This coming week is the last in Moon 1 of this New […]

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