
Archive | Cosmic Updates

Morning Star Necklace Leads to Heart-Opening Nakedness

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, As we continue to exhalingly relax into filing with, expressing, and manifesting as Wind’s spirit song of Life, tomorrow, Eagle takes to the wing on this unseen breeze, soaring high in the vastness, seeing the great & small, in and as magic manifest. ​ In the coming days, Waning Moon slips through the string of Morning […]

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New Story Manifesting

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, In the coming days, Moon dances us into the magic of What Is. THIS manifest. Welcome to the Moon of Manifestation… Monday into Tuesday, Mars meets Saturn in Aquarius. There may be strong rumblings in the newly emerging social world (and social selves) as these two titans come together.​ If we can refrain from crankily fighting […]

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Moon Magic Is Real

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Having become present and ripened enough, tomorrow before dawn we’re initiated into the realm of magic by a sliver of Moon, who joins Venus, Saturn, & nearby Mars in the east for the 3rd divestment’s unclasping and laying down of a necklace, that we might nakedly speak the truth with respectful, mature love.  […]

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Night Warrior Realization

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tonight, Venus & Mars join hands and step across the threshold into 0º Aquarius, making personal and passionately active our expression of this new reality, which will carry us into Moon 9 ~ the Moon of Realization on Monday. We’re in the midst of the Night wave. Ripening into Magic for real, begins from […]

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Love’s Active Dreaming

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Tomorrow (Saturday), in the east before dawn, Waning Crescent Moon joins Venus, Mars, & Pluto in Capricorn. Here in the​ Dog wave, is a very personal and passionate death and renewal of old structures of being, loving, relating, doing, and working. This is the 2nd Divestment, Moon visiting Venus as Morning Star, the laying down of […]

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Earth Love in Action

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 8 (on Monday) ~ the Moon of Action, of living what we believe, and taking action from the new attunement that’s come through these past weeks… It’s time for living here, on Earth, actively, finding & making our way, ripening into actually living what we believe, […]

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Being Seeded

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, From atop the mountain of this Wizard Seeds Wind year, we’re here in the Seed wave, attuning to Seeds of generous possibility. Learning to trust timing, we become potent portals for the organic unfolding of slow, tangible growth. There’s a serious summit of planets in Capricorn inviting us to […]

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Tuning Into Monkeying Around

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, Welcome to Moon 7 ~ the Moon of Attunement ~ in this year when Wizard Seeds Wind… We’ve just begun the Monkey wave. Monkey tricks us into transforming what we’re attuned to, into releasing the grip of our tight-fisted attention & focus on what we think we want. Liberating our […]

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Humans Freely Meeting A Vitalizing Transformation

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, In this closing weekend of Moon 5 ~ the Moon of Selfhood, Venus & Pluto meet in Capricorn for some deep “old patterns around love and money” death and renewal. A maturing process… This theme will weave through the coming Venus retrograde beginning on Dec 19th. On Monday, we enter […]

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Human Selfhood

Cosmic Update Greetings Keeper of Time, This is us learning to become Human, really Human ~ beyond persona, living maturely, expressively, with presence, participating in and receiving Life.  Neptune in Pisces stationed direct yesterday. Dispelling illusions, we’re invited to live within the vast true story.  Tonight into tomorrow, Moon totally eclipses Sun in Sagittarius (12º), meaningfully renewing how we wayfindingly journey… Be New! […]

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