
Human Selfhood

Cosmic Update

Greetings Keeper of Time,

This is us learning to become Human, really Human ~ beyond persona, living maturely, expressively, with presence, participating in and receiving Life. 

Neptune in Pisces stationed direct yesterday. Dispelling illusions, we’re invited to live within the vast true story. 

Tonight into tomorrow, Moon totally eclipses Sun in Sagittarius (12º), meaningfully renewing how we wayfindingly journey… Be New!

Monday, in the west after sunset into early even​ing​, see waxing Crescent Moon join Venus (at its brightest) to bestow a crowning 7th (and final) Evening Star vestment, w/ Pluto nearby. They’ll conjoin next Saturday as Venus slows toward stationing retrograde. Love shines with powerful, postural maturity amidst profound structural transformation.

Midweek, Moon visits Saturn then Jupiter in the south-southwest.

Hear the fuller story in my Moon 5 Audio Calendar Podcast

Happy Human Selfhood,


2022 Datebooks!
A colorfully curvaceous way of dancing with the year…
You’ll also receive a free Wizard Seeds Wind Calendar PDF

Wizard Seeds Wind year printed calendars
are excellent companions for journeying this year!
You’ll also receive a free Calendar PDF

Essence Elixirs
Human Freedom
Restructuring for Riding the River

Ancestor Tracking Sessions
for remembering ourselves as humans, connected with the humans that came before, as well as their times and places, bring us home to our humanness.

A while back, I was interviewed for the Bespoken Bones podcast. I geeked out in a big way on ancestor tracking, reality, rivers, the Paleolithic, stars, inviting, and so much more. Enjoy!

Receiving Life & Conversing with the Universe with Stargazer Li
I was interviewed by Meredith Rom. Give a listen!

The Realness of Now
was my theme when interviewed in this episode of the Unknown Unknown podcast.


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