Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
Here we are amidst the internal & societal tensions of Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. Death and renewal are needed at the deepest structural layers of our beings and society. And, we’re mad about it! We want to take action. The trick is finding our way into how to take action that’s not more of the same! Rather than insisting on what we want, or self-righteously ranting, we must allow the process of transformation to transform us, actively. May we meet what comes with creative will and vigor!
The Monkey wave continues, so trickster energy is afoot. Our best approach is to be openly curious, and to be engaged in exploring and discovering.
We’re about to enter the final week of Moon 1 ~ the Moon of Purpose, in this Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm year. All that we’ve been experiencing the past few weeks, and for the coming week, is what this year is originating from, and gives us clues to our purpose in learning to meet the ongoing storminess.
Tomorrow, is the first Storm day since the new year, a 9 Storm day of energetic realness. Fittingly, Uranus has concentratingly slowed to a standstill and turns retrograde. Revolution is in the air, and in our bodies. How do we embody and value the new energies of these times? We get to revisit what we think is real while engaged with this question.
Also tomorrow, before dawn in the east, between the legs of the Gemini Twins, waning Moon visits Venus for the 2nd divestment, receiving our laid-down scepter as we stand naked, seeing with our third eye. On this electrified Uranian Storm day, this could be quite activating of our new perceptual realities!
While you’re out under those still dark skies before the sun saying hello, turn to the southwest to see Mars in its growing redness. For the more evening sky oriented among us, you’ll find Jupiter and Saturn quite close together in the south. And for everyone (evening or pre-dawn gazers), you might still catch some lingering shooting stars from the, always delightful, Perseids meteor shower.
Tuesday brings the New Moon in Leo, with Mercury right there in the mix (conjunct Sun the day before). There is some enjoyment potential in this Monkey and Leo time, some playfulness that shifts the energy, some hopefulness and exuberance inspired by the newness that’s emerging. This too can be embraced and expressed! Time to enjoy the gift of this moment.
Thursday begins the 13-day Seed wave, which will carry us into Moon 2, the Moon of Challenge and Relatedness (next weekend). Seed sprouts a liminal portal that opens us into relatedness beyond what we’ve known. This is not about intention seeding. This brings a growthful and fertile time, in organic and naturally emerging ways. There’s an intensity to this ripening transformative relating, as we learn to meet Life through the open portal to all-that-is while staying present in our bodies as we grow into being humans.
The practical sacredness and sacred practicalness of Virgo is strongly infused in this growth spurt with Mercury then Sun moving into Virgo in the last days of this Moon of Purpose.
Hear the whole story in my Moon 1 & the New Year Audio Calendar Podcast (plus an Overview of the Year audio).
Happy Monkey Seeds Purposefully,
If you’re following along with this way of Keeping Time, a printed calendar greatly enriches the experience. Order the Wizard Meets Mirroring Storm year Printed Calendar, and you’ll immediately receive a free Calendar PDF as well.
Sessions Are Happening
Such important & deep transformations are unfolding!
Check out Conversations & Renewal Sessions
Consider an Ancestor Tracking Session. This is a time for remembering ourselves as humans, connected with the humans that came before, as well as their times and places.
I recorded a special edition podcast:
Venus Retrograde in Gemini ~ Learning to Make Friends with Love
Essence Elixirs are Available Once Again
There’s a wide array of vibrational deliciousness!
Riding the Elephant
Receiving Life & Conversing with the Universe with Stargazer Li
I was interviewed by Meredith Rom. Give a listen!
Last fall, I was interviewed for the Bespoken Bones podcast. I geeked out in a big way on ancestor tracking, reality, rivers, the Paleolithic, stars, inviting, and so much more. Enjoy!
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