Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
There’s been a quiet intensity shaping us these days. We’re still in the midst of the ongoing open portal days, here in the 13-day Seed wave in the Moon of Freedom, through Thursday’s New Moon in Cancer partial solar eclipse opposing Pluto. A new degree of freedom is sprouting, one that requires the death of an old structure! This is a very glancing eclipse (and not visible by many humans), but with Pluto in the mix, the subtle potency will touch us to our foundations, while the Cancerian influence suggests themes of home, family, and ancestors are in play too. Jupiter goes direct on Tuesday, so the flow of good fortune and sense of journeying will be starting to move us as this transformation unfolds.
On Saturday, we bring this Seeding all the way home to embracing our life here on Earth, freely navigating by synchronicity as we ground into surfing the shifting tectonic plates of the seeming solid. This 13-day Earth wave will carry us all the way into the July 26th new year. And so, our sense of purpose in the new year will be grounded in Earthing. How we do that, will be in a Moon-like way! More to come on this story to be sure. For now, feel the Earth move under your feet as you journey into greater freedom.
Venus graces the west in the early evenings. Jupiter can be seen in the south/southwest evenings, close to Zubenelgenubi. Saturn is dancing around the Teapot. And, reddish Mars is shining soooo bright in the east/southeast.
Hear the fuller story in my Moon 13 podcast.
Happy Seeding Earth,
Earth’s Moon Freedom Year Calendar
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