Greetings Keeper of Time,
Now that we’ve been thoroughly humbled, this week, we’ve begun ripening into the Earthing of new ways of relating with ourselves, others, and life. It’s time to simply be here and feel the shifting and quaking in the tectonic plates of our bodies and beings. There’s nowhere to get to.
Tomorrow before dawn (Thurs, Sept 10th), the Moon joins Venus (& Mars) for the 1st Divestment. Casting off her crown, Venus simply embodies her own sovereignty, and invites us to do the same. You can see Venus shining so brightly in the east before sunrise (around 5am is optimal). Mars is nearby but quite faint.
On Saturday Sept 12th, a partial solar eclipse in Virgo opposing Chiron in Pisces may bring up physical concerns related to old wounds, and an opportunity for healing old wounds around relatedness by living the gifts we’ve developed due to having them. This partial eclipse is visible in South Africa and Antarctica.
MEGA transits next week, especially the 16th and 17th! Jupiter opposing Neptune, Mercury retrograde in Libra, and Saturn moves into Sag for the next two years…. More soon!
Hear so much more in my Moon 2 Audio Calendar Podcast.
And, it’s still worth giving a listen to the Moon 1 & New Year Overview Audio Calendar Podcast.
Happy Earthed Relating,
Stargazer Li
Human Freedom & Awakened Field
“This is exactly what I need right now!“
Serpent Wizards Manifesting Year Calendar
Your visual guidebook for listening to the Podcasts!
Order now and use it all year, through next July.
Canada Residents, I’ve found a way to get your calendars to you with no shipping charge! Email me for details…
Time Traveling 101 Course
You can still join us to shift your way of being and step into your amazingness! There’s an audio on Time Traveling as a Way of Living that gives a deeper felt-sense of this way and the course experience.
My Blog is where you can always find my Cosmic Update Emails, Audio Calendar Podcasts, and more…
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