Greetings Keeper of Time,
A big shift is upon us, in case we hadn’t noticed…
For the past week Jupiter opposing Neptune has been drawing ever nearer, bringing a hazy surreal quality, even as we’re being asked to earth a new story of sacred relatedness that actively honors both the health of the body and the needs of the spirit. This opposition is exact tomorrow, Wednesday Sept 16th, and will linger for the coming week. You may be feeling lazy and even lethargic at times, so find a way to turn this into actual self-care!
This Thursday Sept 17th, Mercury goes retrograde in Libra AND Saturn moves into Saggitarius for the next two years. Again, a paradoxical move toward BOTH reviewing and revising how we think and communicate around relatedness and what we value in life AND a solid step toward maturely living our ideals rather than just having them or talking about them.
These past few weeks, so much has been stirred and shifted, healed and grown, now bringing us to a completion around relatedness as we close out Moon 2 on Sept 19th. We can now earth new ways of relating, and the old ways are simply left behind… The Moon shines with Saturn this night.
Hear so much more in my Moon 2 Audio Calendar Podcast.
Now’s the time to order my calendar for use through next July.
Serpent Wizards Manifesting Year Calendar
Your visual guidebook for listening to the Podcasts!
Happy Relating with the Turning of the Tides,
Stargazer Li
Human Freedom & Awakened Field
Serpent Wizards Manifesting Year Calendar
Your visual guidebook for listening to the Podcasts!
Order now and use it all year, through next July.
Canada Residents, I’ve found a way to get your calendars to you with no shipping charge! Email me for details…
Time Traveling 101 Course
You can still join us to shift your way of being and step into your amazingness! There’s an audio on Time Traveling as a Way of Living that gives a deeper felt-sense of this way and the course experience.
My Blog is where you can always find my Cosmic Update Emails, Audio Calendar Podcasts, and more…
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