
Hand in Hand, Two by Two

Greetings Keeper of Time,

These past few weeks, have you noticed the very different quality of the new year? We’re now in the later days of Moon 1 and getting a sense of our purpose to be lived this year: hands-on effortless engagement in our sacred work, moving and unfolding with the natural rhythms and cycles of the moon, while continuously originating from our deep connection with source.

Now is a time for lifting our eyes to the heavens… We soon enter Moon 2 ~ the Moon of Relatedness, with the planets two by two in the heavens: Venus & Jupiter in the east and Mars & Saturn in the west, one pair presiding over the dawn and the other over the deepening twilight.

Those willing and able to look to the east/northeast before dawn this coming week will be greeted by Venus and Jupiter conjoined, the two brightest of the planets shining their co-mingled blessings. They’ll be very close on Monday the 18th. Venus is the brighter of the two. With binoculars, you’ll be able to see that they’re quite near the Beehive Cluster of stars.

Ushering in Moon 2 ~ the Moon of Relatedness, before dawn on Saturday the 23rd, the waning crescent moon will join Venus and Jupiter, making its 8th and final visit before Venus walks naked into the underworld to be unseen for many months.

Astrologically they’re in the sign of Leo, inviting self-love, creativity, enthusiasm and generousity in relatedness with others and all of life.

If you look to the west/southwest in the early evenings, you’ll also be able to watch as reddish Mars approaches yellowish Saturn, getting closer as we move further into late August, right by the star Zubenelgenubi, the claw of the Scorpion.

They’re exactly conjunct astrologically in Scorpio on August 25th, which is also the New Moon in Virgo, inviting a deeply embodied and potent dedication to sacred relatedness and sexuality.

All this takes place in the Hand wave, suggesting relatedness through touch: caressing, healing, shaping and crafting. Feel yourself in your hands. Connect through the intimacy of touch with all of life and in all you do.

There’s so much more about all this in my Moon 2 Podcast.

Happy Relating,

Stargazer Li

 Next Weekend!
All Night Stargazing Saturday August 23rd
There are still spaces available. Last chance this year.

The new essence: Truly Blessed is available
Essence Elixirs and Planetary Essences
Buy 4 Get a 5th, shipping in the US included

If you’re listening to the Podcasts, the Dragon Moon Realizations Year Printed Calendar will greatly enhance your experience!

My Blog is where you can always find my Cosmic Update Emails, Audio Calendar Poscasts, and more…

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