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For those who’ve experienced a Deep Dive Session, and want to keep going!

Email Li to get on the waiting list for ongoing Conversations.

You, Li, & the Universe
in a series of monthlyish Conversations

You’re invited into ongoing engagement with embodied presence in meeting the ongoing unfoldment of…

  • your life
  • your business
  • your creative undertaking

…seeing and working with what’s wanting to unfold, and noticing and acknowledging the themes that are emerging.

Your life will be forever changed!

Conversations will be led by the universe, and likely include a blend of…

  • presencing
  • noticing and working with what’s wanting to unfold
  • getting clear
  • living your nature
  • astrology
  • calendar journeying
  • dosing
  • divination

Hour and a half Conversations (usually monthly) for a year, or forever… Weekly, every other week, or every other month are also options. For intensive periods we can go two hours ($300).

Via Zoom (videoconferencing) or Phone
