
Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast


Welcome to Moon 10 ~ the Moon of Manifestation ~
in this Moon Storm Liberations year.
April 4 through May 1, 2017

Download or Listen Here
Moon 10 Audio Calendar Podcast

View the Moon Spiral while listening:
Moon 10 Handout

Reading Your Cosmic Map ~ An Astrological Adventure
We’ve been adventuring for a while, but since this is self-paced, you can still join in! A perfect way to learn more about your cosmic map in a way that makes this Venus retrograde cycle come alive in your life!!

2017 Datebooks (Jan-Dec week-at-a-glance) only a handful remaining.

The printed calendar is highly recommended for being able to see
what’s coming as the story unfolds, and as you listen to the podcasts.
Order Your Moon Storm Liberations Year
Calendar Journey Guidebook Here

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