

Greetings Keeper of Time,

Did you feel the shift on Friday and through this weekend? After a month of balancing how we meet the world beyond our selves, we’ve shifted into Moon 7 ~ The Moon of Attunement.

The focus has now turned to refining the energetic reality that we allow to inhabit us. We choose what becomes our life through what we attune to moment by moment. Now’s a time for being discerning, for being dedicated to maintaining a vibratory experience that’s worth living!

We’re still in the World-bridger wave for a few more days, so humilty is the approach. We can let go of the need to fill ourselves with anyone or anything, of needing anything to happen. We can surrender to allowing life to live through us.

The Moon is approaching bright shining Jupiter, and Tuesday night will be quite close as it moves toward full on Wednesday evening. And, these two are within the Sacred Hoop of bright winter stars. With the Moon and Jupiter in Cancer astrologically, you may feel the urge to nest. And that would be a good idea, because…

This coming Friday, we enter the Storm wave for a couple of weeks, speaking of energetic activations! Allow it to catalyze and energize you into attuning to and living your uniqueness!


Happy Attuning,

Stargazer Li


Hear more of what’s going on these day in my Moon 7 Audio Calendar


Some essences might be of assistance in this time of activating attunement. I’d recommend: So Wonderful, Naked Presence, Restructuring, Totally, and Becoming.
Essence Elixirs and Planetary Essences
Buy 4 Get a 5th, includes shipping in US


Datebook 2014
A curvaceous week-at-a-glance journal/appointment book with colorful signs and numbers to story your days. 2 left from my second (and final) printing. $30 including shipping in US



The Earth Seeding Action Year Calendar Journey Guidebook
The Moon Spirals Calendar to view while listening to the Moonthly Audio Calendar and when looking into the times that have been and the times to come.


You can always find my latest Cosmic Update Emails or the Moonthly Audio Calendar Podcasts on my Blog. You can also Comment or share your story here too!


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