Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
Tonight into tomorrow, Dark Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini, offering conversation with the beyond human as our guide.
This New Moon also brings us to the Chinese New Year, beginning the Year of Yin Wood Snake ~ deep dark mysterious unknown, whispered shedding of old skin, potentiality slowly emerging…
Too, Healer/Teacher Chiron has returned to the degree of last April’s conjunction with the Aries Total Solar Eclipse. Maturing Warrior continues the learning!
This weekend, waxing Moon begins to initiate us through a 13-day attunement with cyclic magic, visiting Venus with Neptune in Pisces on Saturday early evening in the west, opening us to the all, through the brilliantly crowning 7th vestment. Go open your crown chakra under their bestowing lights!
Hear so much more in my Moon 7 Podcast.
Happy By Moon Being Attuned,
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