
Attuning to Night

Cosmic Update

Greetings Keeper of Time,

Welcome to Moon 7 ~ The Moon of Attunement.

See waxing gibbous Moon with Jupiter tonight!

High upon the mountain peak of this Storm Wizard Balancing year, deep within the cave of Night, a maturing experience of attunement dreamingly stories us into Living Freely.

Meanwhile, tomorrow, the Lunar Nodes change signs (into Pisces/Virgo), and with them the focus of lifetimes of learning –– merging with, living within, and in service to, storied Universe.

Monday’s Full Moon in Cancer w/ Mars at opposition invites us to willingly and actively feel our embodied belongingness. Mars will be shining so bright and red along with Full Moon!

The following week, Venus shines with Saturn in Pisces, offering an artful experience of respectful love and real beauty.

Starting the 19th, comes a 13-day initiation, as from the womb tomb of our originating mountain cave, Warrior emerges within the dream story, willing to be ripened through the Plutonian challenge of presence in facing death & transformation.

Hear so much more in my Moon 7 Podcast.

Happy Attuning to Night,


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