
Dog Loves Night

Cosmic Update

Greetings Keeper of Time,

In this deepening into winter time, here comes 13 days of Dog, inviting us to play in the snow, meeting life with, and as, love, before curling up by the fire. Balancing play, work, and rest is the learning.

Exact today, Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, for the 2nd of 3 times this year. We’re being spurred to take action in new ways that honor being in conversation with Universe as us doing what’s ours to do, and how, in bringing this new time. The new time is here, and here we are learning to be and do in new ways. Simple and real for now.

Next Monday, Dec 30th, New Moon in Capricorn suggests we take life seriously. Self-respect grows through honoring what do know as well as what we don’t.

Moon waxes to join brightly shining Venus, on Friday, Jan 3rd, conferring a 6th vestment pineal scepter of perceptual integrity. See them together in the West early evening. The 3rd is also the peak of the Quadrantids meteor shower. Not a biggie, but worth looking up if you happen to be out in the night… On the night of the 4th, Moon will be with Saturn.

On Jan 6th, Night falls, the deep dreaming dark of the year, calling us inward to quiet intimate tellings. Live a good story.
Mars Retrogrades back into Cancer, that we might fill our cups with embodied belonging. This can be powerfully transforming, as Mars opposes Pluto again, now both in new signs and situations! Situational awareness is needed as we embrace the power of.

Hear so much more in my ​Moon 6 Podcast​.

Happy Dog Loves Night,


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