Cosmic Update
Greetings Keeper of Time,
Yesterday and today, as we’ve entered the Moon of Form, free form Humaning has been ripening and maturing us through our authentically meeting Life inside of this storied moment.
Initiating tomorrow, for the coming 13-days, dynamic Serpent moves down and in, opening a portal of intensely embodied remembrance of freedom in form, tangibly felt.
Tuesday, Sun moves into Scorpio, then on Nov 1st, comes the New Moon in Scorpio. Living the dance as the form, Scorpio energy emerges expressively from our depths, without leaving them. Become a living portal.
Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries is drawing near, offering positive potentiality through actively emerging with the moment as our way of conversing and journeying.
Hear so much more in my Moon 4 Podcast.
Happy Intensely Embodied Remembrance of Freedom,
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